16 July 2017

What I've Been Reading: June 2017.

This was something a little different for me but I loved this. I have visited Butlins in Skegness before and that was the reason I felt drawn to reading this. It wqas nice to read about the camp as it would have been back that, it was a really interesting insight! I even found myself googling for images of the old uniforms. The book focusses on Molly, Bunty and Plum, who all work at the recently reopened camp and we learn all about their separate backstories. A really good novel, particularly if you're a Butlins fan!

This book starts with Jason Bradley, star quarterback, being arrested after he's found standing over the body of his dead coach. I really enjoyed this book, so I'm definitely going to be looking into other books by Elle Casey. It was fairly easy to predict where the book was going to go regarding the reasons behind the coach's death as clues are dropped before the reveal but that didn't take anything away from the story itself.

I'm on the fence with this one. I liked it overall but it took me ages to get into. I found out after reading that it's actually the third book of the series it's part of yet Goodreads has it as the first book. Maybe if I'd read the first two, I might have been more invested? Who knows!

This book is fairly new and I keep seeing it in the book chart in the local supermarket and oh my god, it so deserves to be there! Hands down, my favourite book of the month! This book is such a mind fuck, I felt like my brain had been put in a blender by the time I finished it. Four friends, two couples and one tangled mess makes up this book. Celebrities aside (Dylan O'brien for me, Katy Perry for Glenn!), never ask your other half who they'd go for, especially people you know. That has to be the moral of the story here. Considering how much I loved this book, I really disliked all of the characters but you're not supposed to like them anyway. Honestly, you just need to read this book, like now!

I'm not that big into horror novels but I really enjoyed this one. It wasn't your stereotypical storyline, it was really unique and like nothing I've ever read before. I really liked the characters and was on the edge of my seat, hoping for them to make it to the end of the book alive! Thumbs up from me. 

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