28 May 2016

Little Known Box, May 2016.

Ahhh, it's here! The launch edition of Little Known box arrived this week and to say I was excited is an understatement. I love the idea of this box, to introduce you to unknown, emerging brands. Out of the five products in the first ever box, I'd only heard of one of the brands before so LKB are doing their job well!

If I had unaware that this was their first box, I definitely wouldn't have guessed it from the packaging. They have got this spot on, it's absolutely stunning. The black box is embossed with their logo in gold, and the tissue paper inside is tied up with ribbon covered in the same logo. They've even included a personalized card to thank you for subscribing! I can't fault the presentation at all.

Another thing that gets a big thumbs up from me is the discount codes included on the leaflet. There's a code for every brand included in the box, I'm definitely going to get some use out of those!

Thumbs Up Nail Wraps in Goldstone.
These wraps are full size and worth £7.99. I've only tried nail wraps once before and it was a disaster! I'm hoping these will be easier to use as I love the design, I just need to wait for my nails to grow a little longer first. I've had a look at their other designs since receiving this box and I will definitely buying some more if I can get to grips with applying these.

The Vintage Cosmetics Company Eyelash Curlers.
Full size again and worth £7, that covers the cost of the box in just two products! These eyelash curlers are rose gold and limited edition. I feel like I'm the only person I know who doesn't have a rose gold obsession. I just don't get it...
That being said, I'm looking forward to using these. The only other curlers I own are both from Primark so these will probably do a better job to be honest!

Dirtea Exfoliating Peppermint Scrub.
I've never tried any tea based skincare products before so I'm excited about this one. The scrubs are available in three types, each designed to target different problems. This peppermint one is targeted towards acne and scarring. I probably would have preferred the one for stretch marks but I'll still be using this.

Flint + Flint Moisturiser 3x.
This moisturiser is full size and worth a whopping £42! I'd never heard of Flint + Flint before but the packaging is super sleek. Reviews for this product on their website are nothing but positive. I'm definitely impressed with LKB for including this, I can't wait to try it.

Medusa's Make Up Lip Gloss in Bite Me.
This was the first thing I picked up when I opened the box. I'd already heard of Medusa's Make Up before, I've been following the brand on Instagram for a while now but I've never bought or tried anything by the brand. I love the packaging of this, the drips kind of remind me of Kylie's lip kits, anyone else? I definitely want to try some more products from Medusa's, but I'll probably buy them from cutecosmetics.co.uk as the company is based in the UK.
Fingers crossed LKB include the other two brands I've been eyeing up for a while, Lunatick Labs and Pretty Zombie Cosmetics.

Little Known Box offer a few kinds of subscription. These include gift subscriptions, a monthly rolling subscription or a prepaid one, with the option of 3, 6, or 12 months. The box costs £14.95 a month if you opt for the monthly payment but the boxes cost slightly less if you go for a prepay one.

The launch edition has such a strong line up, it's better than I was expecting. I've subscription is due for renewal in August but if the next two boxes are on par with this, I'll probably change from a 3 month subscription to a 6 month or even a 12 month!

Click here to find out more about Little Known Box.

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